SHC episode 10

Of course it was rainy again, which makes choosing trails a challenge. This week's hike came with a decision about a mile in.  Do we hike to the meadows or to a cabin? The kids chose the cabin hike. 

Leading up to the trail split, the trail was nice and wide and full of bridges over streams/small rivers of mountain runoff.

After the decision point it became a little more questionable. Mady's gymnastics class is paying off. Alex and Zachary both stepped out of a shoe while jumping across particularly squishy mud patches. (The shoes were easily retrieved).
At least there was a trail of planks...even if it wasn't perfect and had a tendency to sink.
We finally made it to the cabin and a much needed snack break.
The heater was on in the cabin and it was quite toasty warm. (Alex is hiding behind Zachary. Look closely and you'll see his leg.)
There were a few other hikers around the cabin, picking blueberries.  Mady picked a few as part of her snack, but we didn't have a bag to collect more.
Part way down, the fog and clouds cleared up. Somewhat. Trail guides boast about the views, we'll just have to assume they're right.


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