
Showing posts from May, 2020

May Wrap Up

Mady and her across the street friend were riding bikes and coloring together, apart. Some type of bone I found in the backyard.  Even William Seward is wearing a mask.  Planes from JBER on their flyover of SouthEast Alaska.  Harborview's purple bus led the teachers on and end of year/we miss you parade.  Mady's teacher, her radio was blasting the class's Friday Fun Song, "Charlie Brown".  Mady's sign for the parade.  Like so many other things, Girl Scout Cookie sales were halted by the pandemic. Mady's Troop was able to set up a drive through Cookie Booth. The girls danced and waved to everyone driving by, and the adults handled the transactions when customers would drive up.

SHC Episode 1

This is the Summer Hiking Challenge (SHC). Once a week we are going to take a different hike in Juneau. There are plenty of trails and adventures to last the summer...and beyond. Nugget Falls Trai l at Mendenhall Glacier.  This mama bear and her cub were walking along the path. They scampered off into the woods shortly after these pictures.  The trail to the falls is 1 mile long, and very well maintained. The sound of the falls grows louder until it is the only sound, even covering up the bird song. Mendenhall Glacier.  The iceberg is still in the lake.

It's Great to Be 8

Mady's birthday was celebrated during our shelter in place. She planned the menu for the day and decided to wear a pretty dress. Breakfast: oatmeal with strawberries, chocolate chips and cream. Lunch: yogurt parfaits and banana bread. Mady is setting off a fizzy bath bomb to uncover the doll inside. It was such a nice day she decided to sit on the deck rather than the dark bathroom/bathtub.  Dinner: buttered noodles and meatballs.  Chocolate cake with vanilla frosting.

Sea Week

Had school been happening in person, there would have been field trips to the local beaches for tide pooling, nature study and exploration. Since that is not the case this year, we headed out to the beach armed with a Tide Pool Scavenger Hunt and a warning to not get trapped by the tide on Shaman Island. Shaman Island is only reachable at extremely low tide, when the tombolo is present. Green anenome  Red sea star  Sea Stars  Green sea star, missing a leg  What's for lunch?  Hermit crab (we turned it over before leaving)  Tiny sea star  Inside of a crab shell  Outside of the crab shell  Green sea urchin that was lunch  On the tombolo  Tide pool sculpin Lobster  Hairy crab There's something in there  Tide pooling And, the tombolo is submerged once again