Sea Week

Had school been happening in person, there would have been field trips to the local beaches for tide pooling, nature study and exploration. Since that is not the case this year, we headed out to the beach armed with a Tide Pool Scavenger Hunt and a warning to not get trapped by the tide on Shaman Island.
Shaman Island is only reachable at extremely low tide, when the tombolo is present.
Green anenome
 Red sea star
 Sea Stars
 Green sea star, missing a leg
 What's for lunch?
 Hermit crab (we turned it over before leaving)
 Tiny sea star
 Inside of a crab shell
 Outside of the crab shell
 Green sea urchin that was lunch
 On the tombolo
 Tide pool sculpin
 Hairy crab
There's something in there
 Tide pooling
And, the tombolo is submerged once again


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