Happy Halloween

We finally live someplace cool enough to carve pumpkins in advance of Halloween, and are not loaded with homework in the evenings. Of course, we still couldn't put the pumpkins outside, wouldn't want to tempt the bears!

 The kids also had the chance to wear costumes to school. Alex's costume isn't easy to wear on the bus, so he only wore his gloves.
 The crew is ready to head out.

 Alaska dogs never seem to bark. They are all so well behaved. However, the dogs were not fans of T-Rex and we had a chorus of barking everywhere we went.
 My favorite display. The IT neighborhood for trick-or-treating in called The Flats. It is between our neighborhood(definitely not flat) and the Federal Building. Many of the houses go above and beyond on decorations.
 We even stopped by the Governor's House.
 Remember how our neighborhood isn't flat? Apparently noone likes climbing up the hill. This is what we left out at the beginning of the night, and what we returned to. Needless to say, we overestimated demand.


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